Gasolina for Cyclistas

Fast-acting indigestion!

 An early start to beat the heat , so we’re on the road before the shops are open. This is always a risk as we might not make another shop or service station before siesta starts. Going around a roundabout we both spy a man with a cloth covered wicker basket. In unison we both chime “chipas!”.  Usually baked dough of manioc flour and cheese, which can be bought by the 100 grams. In our case it’s nearer to the half kilo. Only this  time he had a different version alongside the usual two bite ones.  First bite in reveals the absence of cheese, and in its place is beef dripping.  A lot of beef dripping! They’re still fresh and warm so you just have to stop for an early second breakfast. Third bite and you realize if you could squeeze them you could oil both bike chains. Oh, those lovely big round fatty molecules working their evil wiles on the pleasure receptors! Fourth bite and I think i might check the nutritional information, only there’s no wrapper big enough to print the fat  content .  A’ nanny state’-ment might be more appropriate.  The sensible quarter of your brain is telling you to slow down, you’re going to pay for it late;, the devil’s quarter says gratification is now! Six bites and one and a half chipas  have  gone down, settling down into the bottom of my stomach, my centre of gravity has  slipped a few degrees further south. Slow burning gasoline: fast acting indigestion. Pure dead brilliant!