By way of consolation, I thought I would share this little video that I found on TED Talks (worth investigation if you haven’t found it yet). It has nothing at all to do with our normal content, but quite a lot to do with the way we try to live. Now if I was really smart, this would be ’embedded’ or something, but that piece of wizardry doesn’t seem to want to work, so you’ll just have to click on this link.
I guarantee that you won’t be able to use a paper towel again without thinking about Joe Smith.
We have finally had a few days of sunshine, so our Wisteria has reluctantly produced some flowers for us. There’s loads more to come, but it’s keeping the powder dry for a while longer. And if you really want to see the pictures of our sign-checking run, it’s up on Flickr, and the link at the top of the blog will take you there.