In Review

The Navigator here.

Tomorrow morning we’ll board the ferry to Buenos Aires to start our journey home. We’re both ready to be home for a while. So – time to review our journey of the last 5 months.

3 countries and 7,000 km of pedalling. Narrow roads, dirt roads, wide roads, motorways. A couple of bus rides, a train journey, several short ferry crossings, a minibus tour, a 4-night ferry journey and a 6-day flight delay. The Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Beagle Channel. Camps, bus shelters, hostels, hotels, and a house. Sun, plenty of wind, and a little rain. Sheep and cattle, top fruit and vines, soya and wheat. Beaches, rivers, lakes, glaciers, pampa, and mountains. Tanned and weatherbeaten, baked and chilled. 32 books read, several more in progress. 4 currencies, 3 ‘phone SIMs.

It’s taking a little while to digest. What follows are some highlights.

A gift of dessert from a lovely restaurant owner

Volcanoes – plenty of them, and some of them pretty lively!

Fabulous sculpture.

Carretera Austral

Carretera Austral

Carlos, from Colombia, with his unicycle.

Carretera Austral

Thanks to Nick, a fellow cyclist, for his recommendation of the ‘Windy’ app.

Artistic inspiration

Cyclist friends in Pico Truncado


Road not quite coping

5* Bus Shelter

Yes, 1 day…

The end of a project

Penguins, Ushuaia

Bus interlude

Torres del Paine

Torres del Paine

The ‘Evangelistas’, and the long ferry ride

A caravan towed by a bicycle

Rio Negro

New rolling stock on the Bahía Blanca line

Sunrise from the train – Buenos Aires province

Colonia del Sacramento

A real house for a while

The new circular bridge at Laguna del Garson


¡Hasta la proxima!

3 thoughts on “In Review

  1. Have again really enjoyed reading about your travels this winter (summer?) Thanks for sharing

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